

Here Mr. Attorney urged that there was a combination, and one Pashell affirmed the burning of a black purse by the Earl of Essex, which my Lord confesseth but saith, that there was nothing in it but a key of an iron chest, which he took out and burnt a paper in the same purse, which did not contain about five or six lines of secret matter. And for that he would not have so much as their names drawn into question, which were altogether ignorant of these occurents, did throw the purse and paper into the fire. And also Pashell confesseth further that when the Earl of Essex came out of London to his house, he told them that he was beloved in the City.

Lord Mounteagle’s Examination.

He saith he had no foreknowledge of these matters, but confesseth he followed the Earl of Essex down Fleet Street intending to go to the Mayor, and so to his house in Seething Lane. And this Deponent, being with the Earl of Essex in Gracious Street confesseth he did hear the Earl (when the Lord Burghley [Thomas Cecil] came with the Herald of Arms) command some of his followers to bid the herald stay, for he would not hear him abuse the Queen’s name. He saith also he went back with the Earl to Ludgate, and they were repulsed.

Mr. Attorney: Now my Lord, I beseech your Grace, and you my Lords that be the peers, let the due consideration of these several examinations and depositions enter in to your hearts. And do but note they have agreed and jumped together in each particular point, notwithstanding they were all severally examined. But I must needs think it the just judgement of God in his mere mercy towards our sovereign, to have the truth so marvelously revealed coming from them of their own accords, without rack or torture to any of them.

Essex: Mr. Attorney, I answer then this for that point, the self-same fear and the self-same examiners may make these several examinations agree all in one, were they never so far different. But good my Lord, let me entreat your Lordship to consider who they be that testify this against me. My lord, they are men within the danger of the Law, and as such speak with a desire to live, but I think they have much to answer for between God and their souls and me. I see they charge me with the surprising of the Tower, but upon what ground do they speak? They had only some particular notes of my friends’ names, but ever very scornfully dashed at me.

For when my friends persuaded me to any course, this was my purpose: to have come with eight or nine honourable persons who had just cause of discontentment (though not equal with mine) unto her Majesty, and so by petition prostrating ourselves at her Majesty's feet, to have put ourselves unto her mercy. And the effect of our desires should have been that she would have been pleased to have severed some from her Majesty who, by reason of their potency with her, abused her Majesty’s ears with false information—and they were Cecil, Cobham, and Raleigh.

For we thought that my Lord Cobham carried himself in such factious and dangerous courses, as he told her majesty many untruths, which was a principal cause, as I think, of withdrawing her favour from us. And to that intent, to remove such from her Highness I confess was the only desire we had to present ourselves in all humility before her Majesty, but without any purpose of hurt to her Highness. For I protest before God, I do carry a reverent and loyal duty to her Majesty as any man in the world.

But now, my Lord, seeing that I have heard the testimony of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and himself here in Court to testify it, I will say no more but that if it please her Majesty to be merciful unto him, I will be glad and pray for it. Yet whatsoever he hath said, let my life and his dealing testify the truth. And, Sir Ferdinando, speak nothing to touch thyself, and speak what thou wilt to me; for I see thou desirest to live, yet speak like a man.

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