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Still More Language

Antique language isn't necessarily "big words" or curious sentence structure. Try these. (Note that "an" means "if".)

Instead Of... Say...
Okay Very well, 'Tis done, As you will, Marry shall I
Wow! Marry! 'Zounds (God's wounds, pron: ZOONDS) I'faith! Hey-ho! God's Death! What ho!
Excuse me Forgive me, Pray pardon, I crave your forgiveness, By your leave
Please Prithee (I pray thee), If you please, An thou likest, An it please you, By your leave, An thou wilt, An you will
Thank you Gramercy, I thank thee, My thanks, God reward thee
Gesundheit! God Save You!
Air head Lightminded, Airling
Bottom line In the end, At bottom, In the main, Finally, In the final analysis
Bathroom Privy, Jakes, Ajax, Little room of office
Certainly! Certes! (sir-tees) Usage Note: Certes means certainly, not certain. Do not say "I am certes that I paid that account." And never use it to replace "sure" as in "They will be married for certes."
Nay not Nay, I shall not. Nay, it is not so. (Just say nay.)

Strange but True, Dept.:

Hello is not actually a period greeting but an exclamation of surprise.
You can say instead:
Good day
Good morrow
God ye good den (or just, Good den)
God save you, sweet mistress
How now, Sir Toby Belch

::  Language
::  More Language
::  Some Random Vocabulary
::  Titles & Forms of Address
::  Forms of Address for Non-Nobles
::  More Language: Heard in the Wild

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26 March 2008 mps